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By Renata Campos and Ana Maria Mazotto de Almeida

Since the 1990s, IMPG has been involved in extension programs, both in supporting Microbiology events in schools, museums, scientific spaces, among others, and in offering high-school teacher enhancement courses. Moreover, various tools have been developed for teaching activities and popularization of science, such as: games, children's books, didactic videos and two kits for practical classes: Microbiology in Nature and Microbiology in Daily Life. Primary and secondary school teachers have used these lab kits in their teaching practice. Through the Coordination of enhancement courses, the IMPG also offers non-free training courses, targeting professionals seeking further education in interdisciplinary areas such as Microbiology. The IMPG encourages undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute to participate in these activities, and in doing so contributes to the all-inclusive education of these professionals.

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