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Medical Microbiology

General Microbiology

The research projects developed by the professors at the Department of Immunology are mainly in the sub-areas of Cellular Immunology and Applied Immunology and are funded by different agencies such as CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ. Among the various lines of research are: the study of ontogeny and selection of the immunoglobulins, the development of B lymphocytes, the interaction of trypanosomatids with vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, the innate response of the vertebrate host to infections, the role of cytokines and eosinophilia growth factors in experimental asthma, the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in pediatrics, the role of innate immunity and different T lymphocyte subsets in infectious disease models, and the development and evaluation of molecular and immunological methods for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, to name just a few.
The professors at this department are part of the teams of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Vaccines (INCTV) and the National Institute of Science and Technology for Translational Research in Health and Environment in the Amazon Region (INPeTAm). Students of scientific initiation, master, doctorate and post-docs courses participate in the research projects, many of which are developed in collaboration with Research Institutions and Universities of other states and of other countries, such as FIOCRUZ, USP, UNIFESP, UFMG, UFPA, Institute Pasteur (Paris, FR), University of Alabama (AL, USA), National Institute of Health (NIH, MD, USA), University of Massachusetts Medical School (MA, USA), Istituto di Biochimica Delle Proteine (Napoli, Italy) and the University of Veterinary Medicine, (Hannover, Germany).
The Multi-user Unit of Cytometry, set up by the Department of Immunology, serves users at IMPG itself, and also users from other UFRJ Institutes (such as IBCCFº, IBioqMed and ICB), and outside institutions: FIOCRUZ, INCA, UFF.

Coordination of Immunology

Head of Department: Marcelo Torres Bozza
E-mail: mbozza@micro.ufrj.br
Deputy Head of Department: Renata de Meirelles Santos Pereira
E-mail: renata.pereira@micro.ufrj.br

Secretary: Edson de Jesus Rufino
E-mail: jesus@micro.ufrj.br
Secretary: Phone / Fax: (2560-8344 or 8028 / 2270-3941 or 0990) Ext. 117

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